CLPOA Annual Board Meeting Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Annual Meeting Link



Exterior Improvement Application


Please include one (1) set of plans and/or any bids for the work to be performed along with this application. Villas Residents please contact the Villas Architectural Review Committee.

As the owner(s) of the above-described property, I/we have read the CLPOA Architectural Rules and Guidelines and submitted the following for consideration and approval of the Architectural Review Committee. It is my/our desire to add or change the following. Please include the site plan and photo/pictures/drawings/plans and dimensions to describe the modification(s).

  1. Attach one copy of the plot plan with an improvement description
  2. Be sure to note the fence setback distance, and the fence height and type
  3. For paint color changes use Exterior Projects Form 2 (Paint Colors)

If this application is approved, I accept full responsibility for any actions of the vendor or contractor or their employees for any damage or alteration which may happen to Canyon Lakes POA common areas or other property in Canyon Lakes POA as a result of this project and agree to replace or restore such damaged property to its current condition. I further state that I will be responsible to obtain all appropriate permits, licenses, and/or insurance as may be required by City, County, or State agencies prior to commencement of this project.

Disclaimer: Plans are reviewed for the limited purpose of determining aesthetic compatibility with the community in general in the opinion of the approving authority (Canyon Lakes Property Owners Association, Architectural Review Committee) and whether the plan complies with the declaration of covenants, conditions, and restrictions. No review has been made concerning functionality, safety, compliance with governmental regulations, or otherwise, and no reliance on approval should be made by any party concerning such matters.

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I certify that all information provided above is true and correct.

Contact Us


CLPOA Address

P.O. Box 7252
Kennewick, WA 99336

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