CLPOA Annual Board Meeting Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Annual Meeting Link
Three colors are allowed as follows. Links to the approved colors are provided below.
One Base color: subdued earth tone colors as indicated on Sherman-Williams (SW) fan chart (or equivalent) pages 195-212, 233-250, and 254-267. The Light Reflective Value (LRV) must be greater than 20 but less than 75.
One Trim color: as indicated on SW Fan Chart (or equivalent) pages 195-212, 233-250, and 254-267, or white (any LRV is acceptable).
If other than SW, please identify the SW equivalent as described above with brand information below:
One Front Door color, there are no restrictions on front door colors.
Garage Doors, Gables, Window Frames, Gutters and/or Shutters shall match either the Base or Trim color, but never the Front Door color.
I certify that all information provided above is true and correct.
509-582-4345 Email
P.O. Box 7252 Kennewick, WA 99336